Northbridge Public School, Sydney 2012
The unlikely inspiration for the school's entrance mural (approx. 25 x 3 meters) came from the dozens and dozens of scooters that many Northbridge children ride to school each morning. This wall stretches out along from the main entrance to the grounds into the central playground, with a bike and scooter parking area to the far side. The Principal wanted to capture some of the vitality and frenetic activity thatgoes on each morning as the kids descend on the school, playing and laughing before the start of their school day. The wheels of the scooters banked up at the edge of the playground became the central inspiring motif in this particular mural design, while the school uniform inspired the colour palette. This is one peice in a series of six murals completed by the artist within the school.
Another of the murals at the school is The Clock Tree. Displaying Hugues' versatility, The Clock Tree is a fantastical piece that livens up an otherwise plain brick wall, with a playful take on the nature of time in the life of a young student!