Mural: Homage to Fernand Leger; Mineral paint on limewashed stone; 20 x 10 metres
Location: Argentan Hospital, Normandy, France
Client: Argentan Hospital
Year: 2010
The internationally renowned French modernist artist Fernand Léger was one of the first cubist painters and a key influence on the avant garde movement of the 20th Century and modern advertising design. Born in Argentan in 1881, this mural commemorates the man with both a portrait and extended quote (taken from an article he wrote for the influential culutral magazine Le Lettres Françaises in the 1950s) in which Léger reflects upon the unique challenges of life as an artist. Working closely with Architectes des Batiments de France (a heritage and landmark authority, part of National Urban Planning), this piece is painted on a four-storey 19th Century building that originally housed the hospital’s palliative care unit, now functioning as an administration building. This work forms part of a general building and renovation program for the hospital, which will be renamed after Léger at the renovation works’ completion (expected sometime in 2014).